You've Got Male...
Hi I just arrived back on the dreaded red-eye from Vegas today. The conference and night-life was not as much
fun as past years, but still enjoyable. Met with a cute young thing one night, but you are 10 times better. Hell,
even having just dinner with you that one night was more intimate and erotic than a session with her. You're the best,
no one has compared. Sorry our paths did not cross on this trip. If my conference was not this week, I would have
been there for you. Keep me informed of your future plans. Always, Aeducator
A: Give her twenty years babe' she'll cum around. There's really no use in even trying with these youngens. Try giving
her a colouring book. I feel like I'm still at the paint by number stage. I dream of closing my eyes and creating a master
piece. After more than two decades in the spot light my sight has clouded, but the view is better. We're not all born
geniuses. At twenty-seven, my daughter still doesn't get it and she's been around penthouse pets since she was twelve. She
just can't see beyond the dollar and I've given up trying to help her understand. I can't teach her how to drive if she's
afraid to get behind the wheel. Even knowing a product is dangerous to ones self, one will still spend a career exposed
to toxic waste to make a living. My son had his heart set on underwater wielding, he got his divers and worked for a
welder by the time he graduated high school, but he still couldn't get it out of his head the dangers of his work. He's serving
tables now and proud of it. I think it's the best job he could have at this time in his life. With all good intentions
a friend of mine joined the Air Force. Within six weeks he was afraid for his life and managed to get washed out, yet today
he sprays bugs. Spending almost three decades entertaining in clubs was like a finishing school that qualifies me. I defended
my job from being accused of selling my body throughout my years as a performer. I only wish I had the insight then, I'd be
rich already. You don't want to let your students tackle an electrical outlet without them knowing how to shut off the
power. I had a forty year old girl I did a photo shoot for so she could get started. She claims to be great at what men
want, yet she can't even answer the call (and believe me, that's the hardest part... stepping out on that stage....every time.
I've never gotten over that part)
She dropped out the same day and her pics are over the top. My best work to date! There's something to be said about
education when it comes to being a pro at your trade. I've put in the years it takes to be a professional. I've never had
the respond in all my days that I do now. I'm still amazed. I don't know anyone who would be hired with no experience.
Try letting someone install your a/c who does dishes for a living. Sorry, I just can't get the message out there. Maybe
we should write a book. How did you learn your job? Had my ex not lost his drivers license I would never have learned how
to install a toilet. I've done many types of work in my years and they all contribute to my qualities today. Can you believe
that I wanted to be a novelist all my life. I haven't been inside a class room since 1974. I was fifteen years old when I
got my first job selling encyclopedias. What can I say? It's sad really. Even though I haven't pursued the education required
to fulfill my dream, it's a hobby that keeps me sane.
A: Wow, thanks for that incredible reply. You are so right, that's why I want to grow old with you and stay in
touch. (Of course you only keep looking younger.) You are always fun, but also so dead on with your wisdom. That's
rare today.
I'll keep on the look-out for you and will always cherish the best hours I have ever had being with you. You're
the best!