Courtesans are very special ladies and are at the top of their profession. An evening with a true courtesan is a delight
and an experience to be savored. A hundred or more years ago, a courtesan was a lady from the upper classes of society who
were unlucky enough to have it known in her social circle that she was sexually active and that she had not married her partner.
This made her un-marriageable. She coud go into a life of dull gentility as a governess, teacher or a nurse but most other
paths were closed to her. Some chose to be mistresses/courtesans to the upper classes. These ladies were paid lavishly and
were publicly displayed. The married ladies scandalized and ostracized them, but courtesans occasionally had great influence
and wealth if her patron was highly placed in the political structure.
The Japanese took courtesans to an extreme level
with the geishas.
Geishas served long apprenticeships and incurred huge debts, which effectively bound them to the mommasan
geishas who trained them. Those days have passed and the courtesans and geishas have vanished with them.
Being 'ruined'
these days has little importance and a woman has many ways to earn a living other than being a provider.
So, what is a
modern courtesan?
A Courtesan:
- Is educated. She can talk about current events and is an interesting conversationalist. This group can be self-taught
or she can have a degree.
- Is focused on her client. She reads him. From subtle signs, she know what he wants and effortlessly
gives it. She is very attentive to details and pays close (closer than he realizes) attention to what he says. She picks up
many things from his 'ramblings" - what he likes, dislikes, what's important, what's trivial, how he thinks, what he desires.
Has style and is refined. She can be taken out in public or introduced to friends. She know basic etiquette. She does not
have a gutter mouth or a ghetto mentality.
- Is intelligent. This is not to say a Mensa member, but she is in the upper
percentiles of the IQ rankings.
- Has a lively, sparkling personality and is entertaining to be with. After the sweaty
bit, you do not instantly wish she were in Delhi or anyplace else 10,000 miles away.
- Is immaculately clean and as tidy
as a cat.
- Prefers repeat clients and lengthy sessions. Frequently she is a mistress or only schedules one or two clients
per day.
- Is discrete. When a courtesan goes public, like Heidi Fleiss, she has effectively exited the business.
Is honest. She will not try to ensnare the heart of a man and then pluck him like a chicken with lies and ruses.
- Has
an extensive wardrobe. She will be properly attired for any occasion she finds herself attending.
- Is sensual. She will
delight in food, music, theater, clothing, and love. This does not mean that she is an expert in any of these areas, but she
will be able to revel in the pleasures they bring.
- Guards her heart and keeps business separate from her emotions, while
not being cold to her patrons.
- Will make her boudoir into a sensual delight with soft music, candle light and perfume.
Will permit sessions to run a bit long, but will not let her time be abused.
- Will handle the cash with discretion.
Courtesand do not:
- Burden patrons with personal problems
- Does not accept expensive gifts from patrons so she can maintain emotional
- Look for a rescuer from the life she has chosen from the ranks of her patrons.
- Recite a long list
of rules and prohibited actions.
There are some negatives associated with Courtesans.
- Are not cheap. This is not to say stunningly expensive, but you will never find a Courtesan priced
at $250. The maintenance she requires prohibits such low rates.
- Demand respect and politeness. The crude and rude will
be shown the door in seconds and never be permitted to see her again.
- Are carefull. They have extensive security
and contact routines that are designed to weed out the stupid, drunk and impulsive.
- Prefer gentlemen. That is to
say men with education, breeding, power and money.
Courtesans are not for the peasantry.
There are some things that courtesans are not.
- Are not required to be drop dead gorgeous. They will not have a set of ludicrous fake boobs, piercings
in many places or garish tattoos. Most courtesans are very attractive, but this is not a key component to their allure.
They will be fit, tanned, perfumed and utterly presentable.
- Are rarely extremely young and are never innocent.
They tend to be from mid thirties up into their fifties. It takes time to learn the skills and once learned, they are marketable for
a very long time. A courtesan is a woman who has been in the business for a lengthy time period and all the dewy glow
will have long since rubbed off.
- Are not necessarily sexual acrobats or insatiable. Some are, but this again is not a
key component . They will be competent, utterly unshockable and will have a complete collection of props.
In short a coutesan is a classy lady friend who you go to for companionship, comfort, good sex and relaxation. She leaves
without a whimper and does not try to control your life. She is worth evey penny she is paid.